Contents: [slideshow]

The Nature of a HPC System

Batch/Queue Systems: SGE

Running Parallel Jobs under SGE

GUIs and Qrsh

Filesystem Usage and Quotas

Practical Session

About this document

How do I run a job on a HPC machine?

SGE: Demo 1/2

Login to Man2 or Mace01:

  man2> qsub -cwd -q serial.q ./
where is
man2> qstat

job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID 
62495 0.60500 fluent     mbgbfjz2 r   10/15/2008 10:05:49  4        
.                        .
62243 0.53833 diffuser_3 mcjijju3 r   09/27/2008 12:29:06 10        
62364 0.50500 m0.qsub    msradeb1 r   10/09/2008 22:05:08  1        
.                        .
61722 0.50500 NFeS2As2_O nwdlmmf  Eqw 08/17/2008 02:09:43                                 1        
62557 0.00000 hostname.s simonh   qw  10/16/2008 13:25:07                                 1        

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