Contents: [slideshow]

The Nature of a HPC System

Batch/Queue Systems: SGE

Running Parallel Jobs under SGE

GUIs and Qrsh

Filesystem Usage and Quotas

Practical Session

About this document

How do I run a job on a HPC machine?

Parallel Jobs under SGE: MPICHv1 on Mace01

MPICHv1 Job with GFortran Compiler on Mace01:


  #$ -pe mpichshort 8
  #$ -q mpichshort.q
  #$ -cwd
  #$ -S /bin/bash

  /usr/local/mpich-ch_p4_gfortran/bin/mpirun -v -np $NSLOTS \
      -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines \
      # -- All on ONE line!
      # -- Do NOT put "-nolocal"

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