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1. Host-Based Intrusion Detection 0

Even a patched system, with wrapped services running a suitably configured packet filter, stands a significant chance of being intruded upon by an unwanted visitor.

1.1. Standard Host-Based Intrusion Detection

  1. Keep reliable logs of what's going on on your system and read them! Log-scanning utilities and remote-logging are useful here.

  2. Know what files have changed (e.g., /bin/login, /bin/ps...) so as to be able to detect an intrusion and effect a repair. To do this use a standard host-based intrusion-detection system (IDS) such as Tripwire which analyses files for signs or change. Other IDSs (e.g., Cheesewire) monitor network and process activity in addition.

1.2. Rootkit Detection

  1. An intruder who gains root access may install a rootkit, a set of system utilities and even kernel-related software designed both to exploit the machine/system, and to hide the presence of the exploitation and intrusion --- such a rootkit can hide itself from standard IDSs: even running an IDS and all it depends on from read-only media is not good enough: all applications, including of course IDSs, rely on the integrity of the kernel, in particular the integrity of the system-calls. Any rootkit which changes the system-calls automatically comprises any non-kernel related IDS which is running under the OS.

We introduce methods of detecting rootkits below. For more on rootkits and how to detect them, see Unix Security: More Stuff.

1.3. Boot from a CD --- "Its the only way to be sure"

The only sure-fire way of discovering a rootkit which changes the kernel (the running OS) in order to hide itself is to periodically boot the host from a CD-ROM containing an IDS and (minimal) OS and check the system disk(s) for intrusion, then boot back from disk as usual. This is hardly convenient for 24/7/265 servers, but it works.
