10. Miscellaneous LIDS Features/Examples

10.1. Protect Filesystem Devices

LIDS File ACLs protect access to files through the normal channels — using path and filename. However, such channels can be circumvented by reading from or writing to mounted block devices (e.g., /dev/hda1) directly. To prevent such access set

in /etc/lids/lids.cap and /etc/lids/lids.*.cap.

It is rare that Capability Exceptions to this need to be granted; most commonly such exceptions are for X servers or "multimedia software (e.g., xmms may access your CD-ROM via /dev/hd? rather than /mnt/cdrom).


In "vanilla" kernels any programme with the CAP_BIND_NET_SERVICE capability can bind to a port number less than 1024. The capability is extended in LIDS-enabled kernels to allow particular ports, or a port range, to be specified. For example

    lidsadm -A -s /usr/sbin/httpd -o CAP_BIND_NET_SERVICE -j GRANT
allows httpd to bind to any port, but
    lidsadm -A -s /usr/sbin/httpd -o CAP_BIND_NET_SERVICE 80-80, 443-443 -j GRANT
    lidsadm -A -s /usr/local/sbin/httpproxy -o CAP_BIND_NET_SERVICE 80-88 -j GRANT
allow httpd to bind to its standard ports only and httpproxy to bind to ports in the range 80 to 88 (inclusive).

10.3. Prevent Processes Being Killed

Using the LIDS-specific capability, CAP_PROTECTED, a process (daemon) can be protected from userspace signals — such processes cannot therefore be killed. This is useful for protecting monitoring and intrusion-detection tools! Example:

    root> lidsadm -S -- -LIDS
    root> lidsconf -A -s /usr/bin/yes -o CAP_PROTECTED -j GRANT
    root> lidsconf -C
    root> lidsadm -S -- +RELOAD_CONF
    root> lidsadm -S -- +LIDS
Now run /usr/bin/yes in another terminal.
    root> ps auxww | grep yes
        root      3712 13.8  0.0   1876   456 pts/0    R+   12:38   0:02 yes
    root> kill 3712
    bash: kill: (3712) - Operation not permitted
    root> lidsadm -S -- -LIDS
    root> kill 3712
    root> ps auxww | grep yes

N.B. Remember that only root processes have Capabilities so you cannot protect non-root-owned processes/daemons in this way. For example, exim4 drops is root privilege after binding to port 25 and so cannot be protected. Question: Is this paragraph correct?

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