9. Example Login Sessions

9.1. Accessing the Bohrg Cluster

Following is a simple example session in which I begin at my desktop machine as user simonh, ssh into bohrg1 and from there into storage, the head/submit node for the Bohrg cluster.

First, login to bohrg1 --- note that a passphrase for a key is prompted for:

  simonh@mctalby:~$ ssh mpciish2@bohrg1.man.ac.uk 
  Enter passphrase for key '/home/simonh/.ssh/id_dsa': 

      This is the Bohrg gateway, bohrg1.man.ac.uk (aka bohrg.man.ac.uk).
      Any questions or problems to Mark Vincent in the first instance.

  Last login: Fri Apr 15 13:27:41 2005 from mctalby.mc.man.ac.uk

  mpciish2@bohrg1:~$ ls -al
  total 20
  drwxr-xr-x    3 mpciish2 users        4096 Apr  6 13:56 .
  drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root         4096 Feb 27 17:43 ..
  -rw-------    1 mpciish2 users          52 Apr  6 13:55 .Xauthority
  -rw-------    1 mpciish2 users         313 Apr 15 13:32 .bash_history 
  drwx------    2 mpciish2 users        4096 Apr  6 13:55 .ssh
If you are not prompted for a passphrase for a key, something is not working correctly and you will not be able to login. Notice the directory called .ssh and the permissions on that directory (it is private).

Next, login to storage:

  mpciish2@bohrg1:~$ ssh storage
  mpciish2@storage's password: 
  Rocks 3.1.0 (Matterhorn)

  Profile built 17:25 09-Oct-2004
  Kickstarted 17:25 09-Oct-2004

  -bash-2.05b$ ls -F
  src/                trash/                 compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm    
  pgi_master_license  RaidMan-7.00.i386.rpm
  -bash-2.05b$ ls -F
Notice that this is not the same home directory as that on bohrg1.

From here, storage, I can use SGE to submit and monitor jobs:

  -bash-2.05b$ qstat 

  job-ID  prior name       user         state submit/start at     queue      master  ja-task-ID 
   1075     0 a4aEZRRCa  mbdtsmv      r     04/05/2005 10:05:18 compute-0- MASTER         
            0 a4aEZRRCa  mbdtsmv      r     04/05/2005 10:05:18 compute-0- SLAVE          
   1211     0 r_h2o_3 

9.2. Accessing the Dominion Cluster

Following is a simple example session in which I begin at my desktop machine as user simonh, ssh into bohrg3 and from there into dominion1, the head/submit node for the Dominion cluster.

First, login to bohrg3 --- note that a passphrase for a key is prompted for:

  simonh@mctalby:~$ ssh mpciish2@bohrg3.man.ac.uk 
  Enter passphrase for key '/home/simonh/.ssh/id_dsa': 
  Last login: Wed Apr  6 13:40:07 2005 from mctalby.mc.man.ac.uk
  -bash-2.05b$ ls
  -bash: ls: command not found
  -bash-2.05b$ telnet
  -bash: telnet: command not found
  -bash-2.05b$ pwd
Notice that the environment is severely restricted --- neither ls nor telnet are available. (pwd is built in to the shell.)

Next, login to dominion1:

  -bash-2.05b$ ssh dominion1 
  Linux dominion1 2.4.27 #2 SMP Mon Mar 7 17:42:23 GMT 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

  The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
  the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
  individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

  Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
  permitted by applicable law.

  Last login: Tue Mar 22 09:44:37 2005 from

  mpciish2@dominion1:~$ ls -F
  src/                trash/                 compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.118.i386.rpm    
  pgi_master_license  RaidMan-7.00.i386.rpm
Notice that the files visible are the same as those on storage (above) as the home-directories are shared between the two clusters.

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