2. NAg Fortran 77 Library (Mark 19) on Cosmos

2.1. Available Software/Libraries

The following compiled libraries are provided:

2.2. A Simple Example of the Compilation/Linking/Execution Cycle

In this example we make use of the example data, and source for routine M01CAF, which is supplied with the NAg distribution.

First copy the data and source into your current directory:
  cp /software/nag/flso619da/examples/data/m01cafe.d .
  cp /software/nag/flso619da/examples/source/m01cafe.f .

Next compile the source, linking the NAg library in at the same time:
     f77 m01cafe.f -lnag 
This will produce an executable called a.out. If you'd prefer a different name try
     f77 m01cafe.f -lnag -o my_exe 
for example (replacing my_exe with whatever you wish). "-lnag" tells the linker to find the library libnag.a and use it. (There is a symbolic link from /usr/local/lib to the actual library which is within /software/nag/flso619da so you should not have to change your environment in anyway to enable the linker to find the library.)

Then run the example:
     my_exe < m01cafe.d > m01cafe.r 
and examine the contents of m01cafe.r to see the results --- the contents of the file should be:

M01CAF Example Program Results
 Sorted numbers
     0.5    0.5    1.1    1.2    1.3    1.3    2.1    2.3    2.3    4.1
     5.8    5.9    6.5    6.5    8.6    9.9

This cycle produces a dynamically linked executable. To produce a statically linked executable use
     f77 m01cafe.f -lnag -B static 

2.3. Example Programme Material

As part of the installation there is an example programme for each routine; these may be found in:

A script to aid in the use of these examples is provided: For example typing
    /software1/nag/flso619da/scripts/nagexample c06eaf
will copy the example programme and any associated input data file to the current directory, compile the programme and link it (showing you the commands used), and finally execute the resulting object.

2.3.1. Scripts

There are several executable scripts within this directory, including some which build the libraries from source. The only script intended for users is nagexample, mentioned above.

2.3.2. Source

The source directory contains the Fortran 77 source code to each routine. The license states that this should not be available to users, so its not.

2.4. Further Available Documentation

2.4.1. On-Line Documentation: The NAg Web Site

At the NAg web site Full documentation for each subroutine in the library is available in PDF.

PDF, Adobe's portable document format, can be read/viewed by using Acrobat Reader which is freely downloadable from Adobe's Web site.

2.4.2. On-Line Documentation at UMIST

This documentation is available on-line.

2.4.3. Hard-Copy Documentation

2.4.4. On-Disk: On-Disk Documentation of Individual Routines

In Mark 19 of the NAg Library, each routine is documented fully on-line: this documentation is available at...
N.B. This file can be accessed by starting Netscape on Cosmos/Galaxy and opening a file not a location or URL.

The documents describing individual routines are in PDF.

2.4.5. Further On-Disk Documentation

All paths quoted below are relative to

Users' Notes
Users' note: doc/un.html. This document is essential reading for every user of the NAG Fortran Library. It provides implementation-specific detail that augments the information provided in the NAG Fortran Library Manual and Introductory Guide. Wherever those manuals refer to the "Users' Note for your implementation", you should consult this note.

On-Line Documentation: The NAg Web Site
NAg have a web site at www.nag.co.uk. Full documentation for each subroutine in the F90 library is available there in PDF.

Installer's note: doc/in.html. Essential reading for System Administrators.

On-Line Documentation at UMIST
This documentation is available on-line.

Essential Introduction to the NAG Fortran Library
doc/essint: This document is "essential" reading for any prospective user of the library. It contains information regarding: The Library and its Documentation; Using the Library; Using the Documentation; Support from NAg; Background to NAg; References.

NAg Fortran Mark 19 Library Concise Summary
doc/summary: A list of routine names and their function (e.g., Square root of complex number, or All zeros of complex polynomial, modified Laguerre method. (Does not include superseded routines or those scheduled for withdrawal.)

Mark 19 News
doc/news: What's new in Mark 19: new routines, withdrawn routines and routines scheduled for withdrawal.

Withdrawn Routines
doc/replaced: List of all routines that have been present in earlier Marks, but have since been withdrawn.

doc/calls: Gives the names of the routines called directly and indirectly by each routine and an example programme.

doc/called: Gives the names of the routines which call directly or indirectly each routine and an example programme.

doc/blas_lapack_to_nag: Gives NAg library equivalents of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and LAPACK routines.

doc/nag_to_blas_lapack: Gives Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and LAPACK equivalents of NAg library routines.

2.5. Source

The source directory contains the Fortran 90 source code to each routine. The license states that this should not be available to users, so its not.

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