Assumed-shape Array Arguments

    PROGRAM Three_Array_Calls
        REAL, DIMENSION(1:10)                 :: F
        REAL, DIMENSION(1:5,51:100)           :: G
        REAL, DIMENSION(-10:10,-10:10,-10:10) :: H

        CALL Three_Arrays(F, G, H)

    ENDPROGRAM Three_Array_Calls

    ! -- flexible SUBROUTINE --- can be used with any rank 1, 2 and 3 arrays :

    SUBROUTINE Three_Arrays(A, B, C)
        REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: A(:)
        REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: B(:,:)
        REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: C(:,:,:)

        ! something with the arrays A, B and C...

        M = SIZE(B,1)
        N = SIZE(B,2)

        DO I = 1, M 
            DO J = 1, N
            ! more with the arrays A, B and C...
            END DO
        END DO


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