8.1. General

 -- Learning scripts/module

8.2. Logs

 -- $self->{LOG} goes to module log.pm
     -- require "structured" replacement for debug messages and
        other STDOUT warning print statements

8.3. Coding details

 -- code can always be improved...

8.4. All, not just polled?

Can we monitor all activity, not just poll it?

8.5. Module-related:

8.5.1. Proc

 -- write a sig-list-file generator script (e.g., watches for 24 hours and
    then writes a file which can be hand-modified afterwards);

 -- improve sigs:  e.g., look at cwd or .so files used, or...

8.5.2. Netstat

 -- write a sig-list-file generator script (e.g., watches for 24 hours and
    then writes a file which can be hand-modified afterwards);

8.5.3. LSOF

 -- move sig list to a file;

 -- write a sig-list-file generator script (e.g., watches for 24 hours and
    then writes a file which can be hand-modified afterwards);

     -- or: two files:  one for std Solaris 7 (or other std OS),
                        one for local stuff, e.g., nqs, this latter generated
                            by the script;

8.5.4. Log Monitoring

     -- should be able to compare any two sets of logs (check it can do
        this and _document_ this --- its upto Scripts/taillog to get
        the "second" set of log files by some means, e.g., this could
        be scp from user machine to sylo machine (with cheesewire
        running on sylo machine)

8.5.5. Cheesewire

 -- use inotify:

 -- if a change occurs, check if its its from dpkg or rpm (or whatever),
    if it is log and update sig, if not then usual warning

 -- adaption:  if new files appear in a configured directory should be
    incorporated automatically;

 -- addition to a file, no decrease, e.g. for wtmp and log files (how to
    deal with log-rotate --- or write a dedicated log-watch util (log files
    should never _decrease_ in size, only be manipulated by log-rotate);

 -- add in directory listings :  are there any new files in said directory? 

 -- different time scales :
     -- important files each hour;
     -- more files each night;

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